My roommate Ashley returned from a luxury vacation and demanded a rent refund for the two weeks she was away, claiming she didn’t “use” her room. She argued it wasn’t fair to pay for something she didn’t use. At first, I laughed it off, but it became clear she was desperate for money after overspending on her trip.
I refused to refund her, but Ashley launched a passive-aggressive “Great Post-it Campaign,” leaving notes all over the apartment. She even started slamming doors to try to make me give in.
Then, I decided to get creative. When Ashley went out one Saturday, I called my friend Lila, who came over, and we moved Ashley’s stuff into the living room. Lila took over Ashley’s room, and when Ashley returned, I explained that I was now renting out her room when she wasn’t using it. I even handed her a $100 bill for Lila’s stay to further drive home my point.
Ashley was furious, but after a few tense days, she stopped complaining. The next month’s rent came on time, and things returned to a quiet, if not entirely friendly, normal.
I later moved out to a new job in another town, but I’ll always remember the time I out-pettyed Ashley.
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